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Teresa & Scott Spellum

Teresa & Scott Spellum

We started Culinary Warriors because of Our Own Passion for Better Health and The Burning Desire to Want to Help Others Live Better Lives. . Our Journey together began in 2014, when a very close friend came to our home and cooked for us. Since then we have been in the business and the demand for Living Healthier Lives became prevalent. With Heart Disease, Obesity, Cancer and Diabetes on the rise, we put our own lives on hold to be stewards of healthy living to help other achieve better quality of life. The Mainstream Medical System has led us to believe that “Pill for Every ill’ is the Answer to all our problems. Nothing is further from the truth, we have always known through the words of the father of medicine Hippocrates who quoted “ Let Thy Medicine Be Thy Food and Let thy Food be Thy Medicine.” Suffice to know that there are many foods and also the way that some foods are prepared are damaging to our health. In order for us to help others we have to Better Ourselves first. We Get to be better Parents, Grand Parents, Bosses, Mentors, Coaches, Friends. Culinary Warriors is an Authorized Independent Saladmaster Dealer in Norco , California. Our focus is to bring awareness and to educate others on proper food preparation to retain 93 to 98% of the nutrition (vitamins and minerals) on the foods you already eat. We are leading the movement back to Healthy Home Cooking and changing lives for the better by using food and cooking as a vehicle to help others obtain better health. Our Vision is to have Everyone in the World Experience Saladmaster.